
Exclusive for Education

Education for All

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. 

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Welcome to Barguna Govt. College

An Institute with a Rich Background

One of the best educational institutes in south Bengal coastal belt.



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Principal's Message

Established in 1969 by the dedicated efforts of the enthusiastic individuals of Barguna town and the people of all walks of life, Barguna Government College, located in the heart of Barguna district on the shore of the Bay of Bengal in the southernmost part of Bangladesh, is moving forward in its glory with the glory of half a century of knowledge, the brilliance of thinking and tradition of creative activities illuminated in the glorious and colorful light of knowledge. It is my heart's longing that all my dear students will wake up in creative and benevolent vows, become enlightened individuals and find success in life along the path of truth beauty and welfare. more ...